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Our Mission - Help you succeed in corporate America!

How can we advance your career to the next level?


Your resume/cover letter is the key factor in whether you get invited for a job interview. It is the vital tool that hiring managers use to categorize candidates. Just like you need to dress up professionally to the interview - you should dress your resume and cover letter for success.

Many resume writers only catch and fix the typos and spelling or grammatical errors, we offer way more than that! But our first step is to make sure there are no typos or grammatical errors. Hiring managers will not tolerate even one typo on your resume, because it's not just the English, but your attitude. Other than fixing the common language problems and errors found on resumes, we provide customized services; your resume will be nicely formatted, easy-to-read, concise, current, and most importantly tailored to the job you are applying for, based on your experience and life stories.

Hiring managers confess that they won't have time to scan more than 1 page of any resume, therefore, unless you have more than 15 years of experience or distinguished accomplishments in your area, we will try to condense your resume into 1 page, and put the publications/presentations/awards on the second page if you have any.

Don't just list things you have done or courses you have taken, remember, your resume is not your personal or professional history, we will research the company/position and make your resume a proof why you are the perfect candidate for the job you are seeking- by using powerful words and logical sentence structures.

Nowadays, most resumes are dumped into databases where key words are screened automatically for the most qualified candidates, it is vital that your resume contains specific and relevant keywords. We make sure certain key words show up on the resume so you will have a bigger chance of passing most screening tests.

As far as cover letter is concerned, it typically accompanies your resume; you should always have a well-tailored cover letter to the job you are applying for. It should complement, not duplicate, your resume. In the cover letter, we'll tell them who you are and why you are the one with a 5-paragraph story. Its purpose is to interpret your accomplishments, why you are a fit, and add a personal touch.


You should know that an interview is not just a chance for a hiring manager or HR to grill you, it's also your opportunity to see if the job is right for you. We'll put together a list of questions you'll get asked based on your own experience, review your answers and show you how to avoid red flags.

Before we start working on your documents, we might have you provide more details with regard to a certain experience or course work, or clarify a few points in email, this may take 1-2 days.


To international students: We understand it's never easy to study and work in a different country with a second language. Please feel free to contact us in English, Japanese, or Chinese.


With 35 years in HR, the key words database, and 100% positive feedback, we proudly offer the best services with 100% satisfaction guarantee.


Feel free to ask any questions or make any suggestions on the 'Contact' page!


Killer Resume Team

We understand that you may prefer to communicate in your mother language, please feel free to contact us in Chinese(简体/繁体)or Japanese (日本语).

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